Are Belts and Stripes Bullshit? Here’s how to be sure the answer is “No.” (Matt Wuchner 32m)

The Mindset Of The Eternal Whitebelt (Philip O’Connor 5m)
Teaching white belts is different to teaching almost anyone…

How to build a BJJ competition team (Christian Graugart 1h35m)
Creating a BJJ team is essentially experience…

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities, Accessibility and BJJ (Adam Medlock 15m)
A brief introduction into the various disabilities as a coach…

BJJ Orientation Class for beginners (Sorin Raduta 8m)
The BJJ Orientation Class is a training session where I try…

The Power Circle aka. Knights of the Round Table (Ruadhan MacFadden 8m)
A way to finish training sessions in an atmosphere of open…

Thumbs Up: A Trauma-Informed Approach to Teaching BJJ (Jenn Carson 3m)
People come to Jiu Jitsu from all sorts of backgrounds.…